
join the centering community

The Centering Community at Westwinds

Uniting in the shared quest of spiritual transformation, community building, and local impact

Centering Community at Westwinds is a space of transformative engagement, shared learning, and committed action. We are a fellowship of seekers and believers, treading the path of spiritual exploration, deepening our understanding and application of Christian faith in our lives.

In a world that often seems to run at a relentless pace, we pause and center ourselves in the teachings of Jesus Christ, embracing His message of love, compassion, humility, and justice. This is not merely a gathering of individuals but a congregation united in purpose and intent, a reflection of the early Christian community that the apostles fostered.

Our ethos is rooted in the belief that faith is not a solitary experience confined within the bounds of personal contemplation. It's a shared journey that flourishes through fellowship, mutual support, and collective action. In the words of Paul, "For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others" (Romans 12:4-5). This interdependence and sense of belonging form the heart of our community.
Yet, our community isn't only inward-facing. We understand our role as Christ-followers within the broader context of our city, our society, and our world. We acknowledge that our faith is both a beacon guiding our personal lives and a mandate calling us to be the hands and feet of Jesus, making a tangible impact in our local communities.

The Centering Community at Westwinds invites you to partake in this dynamic, engaging, and transformative journey. As we delve deeper into our faith, learn from one another, serve our community, and impact our world, we not only grow closer to God but become more Christ-like in our words, actions, and attitudes. Join us in this meaningful endeavor, as we journey together, bound by shared faith, common purpose, and a desire to live out the teachings of Jesus Christ in our daily lives. We are a community that values commitment, service, and transformation, organized around three key pillars:

Commitment to Being Formed in the Way of Jesus:

Our foundational pillar lies in our commitment to becoming more like Jesus in our thoughts, words, and actions. We believe that transformation comes by centering our lives on Jesus and practicing spiritual disciplines in community. Our guiding question in this journey is, "What might God be inviting me into?" This reflects our intent to shadow God by centering Jesus through intentional spiritual practice with others.

Commitment to These People:

The second pillar of the Centering Community emphasizes our commitment to one another. We believe that each of us has unique gifts, time, and resources that we are meant to share to build the church. We seek to discern "What is in my hand? What am I meant to give?" and act upon these insights. Our community thrives on the principles of mutual support and generosity, believing that we build the church by sharing our gifts, time, and resources with each other.

Commitment to This Place, Jackson County:

Our third pillar is a dedicated commitment to our geographic home, Jackson County. We are intent on being a positive force in our local community, reflecting the love and grace of Jesus in practical ways. Our guiding question is, "What might it mean to be Good News to those who receive the least amount of Good news?" We seek to live this out by joining Jesus where he is, amongst those who are marginalized, overlooked, or underserved. Our aim is to heal the world, starting with our own neighborhood.