
Why Tables?

We're living in an epidemic of loneliness.

The landscape of close friendships in America has changed significantly. Back in 1990, a substantial portion of Americans - about one-third - reported having 10 or more close friends. Fast forward to 2021, and that number has dropped dramatically to just 13%. At the same time, the percentage of people reporting no close friends at all has grown from a mere 3% to 12%.

Central to our belief in Jesus is that we are created for community and connection.

Part of our mission here is to abolish isolation.

One step on that journey is making a commitment to be together. We do this in all kinds of ways  but we think one of the most effective ways is by gathering around a table. There is something... disarming... comforting... equalizing... about eating together. We think it matters and we are committed to taking part.

We would love for you to join us on this audacious journey.

How we table:

If you've ever been a part of a table, you may remember what it's like - it's a unique mix of people coming together to center themselves around Jesus. These experiments can lead to some unique and meaningful experiences. Some people end up in tables that still meet for years, some people make lifelong friends, some people get to know someone they never expected to encounter. Joining a table can be intimidating. Not every table will be perfect. But we believe they can lead to great things and are worth pursuing. Tables have lead to some profound and meaningful moments for our church and this fall we are ready to do it again.

Some tables meet all the time, some tables meet on their own schedules. Officially, we launch a round of tables in the fall and a round in the spring. These are a great way to dip your toes in the water and try things out.

They typically last around 6 weeks and are focused primarily around connection. Tables will contain some kind of food and the point is to eat together and to be together.

When you sign up, we will do our best to put you in a table with people who you will connect with but will also help you meet new people and maybe see the world in new ways.
If you want to bring 1 or 2 people with you, just mention their name when you sign up!

When and Where:

Our Fall semester tables will meet primarily in people's homes and at one of 3 times:
• Sunday at Lunch
• Sunday Evening
• Monday Evening

give tables shot - you never know where it could lead.