From the smallest of seeds, something miraculous is taking root. Jesus once painted a picture of God's kingdom as a tiny mustard seed that blossoms into a vibrant tree with branches overflowing - sheltering any and all who need a place to call home. This powerful vision is becoming a reality at Westwinds Church. After decades of steadfast commitment, this faithful community is now at the threshold of our next chapter. You're humbly invited to bear witness with us to make audacious, sacrificial commitments to radically transform our church into an ecosystem of hope.
The NEST PROJECT will inspire ambitious renovations that will reshape our building into an oasis of hospitality. It will call each of us to intentionally engage those Jesus deeply loves. And will leave us in awe by the mustard seed courage required to fuel a God-sized dream. From those first tiny seeds planted almost three decades ago, Westwinds prepares to burst forth as an epicenter for the spiritually homeless in Jackson County to find rest in the infinite shade of Christ's boundless love.
The NEST PROJECT will inspire ambitious renovations that will reshape our building into an oasis of hospitality. It will call each of us to intentionally engage those Jesus deeply loves. And will leave us in awe by the mustard seed courage required to fuel a God-sized dream. From those first tiny seeds planted almost three decades ago, Westwinds prepares to burst forth as an epicenter for the spiritually homeless in Jackson County to find rest in the infinite shade of Christ's boundless love.