Alchemist, part one

Sep 17, 2023    Cory Doiron

In the beginning, God spoke light into being. Yet even before time itself, God existed in relationship.

What if God is not solitary, but community? Not rigid, but in motion?

This season, let’s trace the current of the Trinity through Scripture’s epic story. But also through the rhythms all around us - in the cosmos, in culture, and within our own hearts.

Lean in as we re-imagine our life through the lens of our relational Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.

What surprises might emerge if we tune our souls to the divine dance of the Father, Son and Spirit? What wisdom might we gain from their profound choreography of self-giving and receiving?

Join us as we seek God not as a distant monarch, but as an intimate dance beckoning us in.

This changes EVERYTHING—the Alchemist. The ultimate mystery that is in and through all things.