
Mar 19, 2025

OBSERVANCE: At 6 AM or Before you begin your work.


Lauds focuses on prayers of humility and renewal.


Seated in a comfortable position with your head bowed, hands resting in your lap, and palms facing upward.



"Lord, as we begin this holy season, awaken our hearts to your presence. Let this be a day of turning, a day of renewal, a day of grace." 


Psalm 130


I cry out to you from the depths, Lord—

my Lord, listen to my voice!

  Let your ears pay close attention to my request for mercy!

If you kept track of sins, Lord—

  my Lord, who would stand a chance? 

But forgiveness is with you—

  that’s why you are honored.

I hope, Lord.

My whole being hopes,

  and I wait for God’s promise.

My whole being waits for my Lord—

  more than the night watch waits for morning;

  yes, more than the night watch waits for morning!

Israel, wait for the Lord!

  Because faithful love is with the Lord;

  because great redemption is with our God!

He is the one who will redeem Israel

  from all its sin.



What is one area of my life where I need renewal?  

Where is God calling me to turn back to Him?  


"May this day begin with mercy, and may our steps be led by grace."